martes, 4 de julio de 2017

Domingo 2 julio. Family day

Llega el temido momento... el día  de familia siempre impone, porque es la primera vez que no tienen el apoyo del grupo y están solos 24 horas con ingleses. No hay escapatoria, hay que hablar en inglés. OMG!!!

Afortunadamente, no es tan fiero el león como lo pintan y la cosa va sobre ruedas. Estas son algunas de las experiencias del primer domingo en familia:


I am Amaia and I had pass a great Sunday with my family. At the morning I go shopping food and then I play with Poppy the child. We play in her small house and in the trampoline. In the afternoon we go to Bideford and we had a walk next to the river and then we come back home and we play more. Then we have dinner and we watch the TV until bed time. 

Leire C.

Today I go with my host family to the beach. We have a very good time but the water was so cold! We also buy some ice creams and sweats, I loved this day!


In this email I will tell you what I have done on the family day. Hope you like it!
First we took the car and we went to a town called Appledore and ate an ice cream while walking around a very nice park.
We returned home, we made the purchase and at four in the afternoon I went home to Neils home to eat cake that my brother had made.
I was quite tasty and rich, then I went back home and did my homework, I have dinner and I was with the family for a short time and I slept, I was very tired!!
And this is all
(Lástima, no recibimos las fotos)


Eneko, sin embargo, debe de pensar que una imagen vale más que mil palabras, porque sólo envía una foto.

Izaro A.

Today, has been my host brother's birthday party ane we have celebrated with lots of people, food and presents. It was a nice day!

Asier, Lier y Joel

Estos tampoco se han explayado, que digamos. Con una foto, vale. Las tres familias fueron a Westward Ho!, a aprovechar el maravilloso día.


Yesterday I went for a wok to the beach .
When we arrived Pam show me some surf clubs and the we were walking around the beach. When the time for lunch arrive we sat on the floor and we started to eat.
After we take an ice cream and we went home.

Leire D.

In the family day we went to Croyde. There, we went to the beach, we played catch and we went for a walk. When we arrived home Rachel's parent were waiting for us and we did a bbq all together. It was a really nice day.


No hay texto, no le funciona el correo, pero envía las fotos por Whatsapp. Han ido al The Big Sheep, un parque de atracciones en el que lo mismo montas en una Rollercoaster, como ves esquilar ovejas. (?)


Tampoco hay texto, no le va el email, pero mirad esto y pasad envidia!!!

Las monitoras también disfrutamos de lo lindo. Fuimos a Croyde en un autobús de dos pisos y nos encontramos con Ane y su host mother, que iban a la misma playa.
Nos bañamos y todo, aunque el agua estaba HELADAAAA.
Verónica ya se quemó el sábado en Exeter, por lo que decidió ir de inglesa total y se protegió del sol... ¡con el paraguas! ☆☆☆

Y por hoy, eso es todo. Parece que les cuesta eso de escribir acerca de su día y enviar alguna que otra fotito, a pesar de lo que hemos insistido. A ver qué ocurre el próximo domingo...

Por cierto, vuestros comentarios serán bien recibidos. ¡Los esperamos!

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